Breaking Down our Goals
Posted: October 19, 2020
Recently I read a book titled "The Miracle Equation" by Hal Elrod. The book discussed how a combination of unwaivering faith + extraordinary effort allows us to achieve our goals. However, the most interesting part of the book for me was about how to set goals. Hal talked about how people give themselves years to accomplish their goals. While goal setting is very beneficial, giving ourselves too long to accomplish those goals is dangerous.
Lets take losing weight for example. Setting a goal to lose 20 pounds in one year is something many people strive for. However I think most people could accomplish that in a shorter amount of time. If someone sets this goal for one year, and in six months they have lost two pounds, technically they have made progress. In addition that person can say to themselves "Hey I still have 6 months left to lose the last 18 pounds!"
My question would be, what if this person set a goal every month to lose 5 pounds? If we take this big year long goal and break it down monthly, we'll see better results. If we followed that goal of losing 5 pounds a month, we would be able to lose 20 pounds in 4 months! Compare that to someone who gives themselves a year. In the same year that one person lost 20 pounds, we would have been able to do that and then have another 8 months to set other goals. Now its still okay to set large yearly goals, but in order to be more efficent we should combine it with small monthly goals that will propel us towards our large one.